Specialties & Services
Specialties & Services
Physician Consultation
Our Sports Medicine Physicians will evaluate your condition and present you with the most advanced treatment options available.
Our office is equipped with x-ray to aid your physician in properly assessing your condition.
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training Outreach
Lubbock Sports Medicine and Lubbock Sports Rehab provide services to area schools, universities, and colleges. The imprint of LSM and LSR extends across the South Plains and into Eastern New Mexico. Our clinicians provide services for Junior College events, UIL events, rodeo, local running events, university Club events, Texas Tech Spirit Squads, and both Public and Private events.
Physical Therapy
Lubbock Sports Rehab is one of the top physical therapy clinics on the South Plains. Click here to go to LSR’s home page.
ImPACT Concussion Testing
Our clinic provides certified ImPACT Concussion Testing and Management. The ImPACT Program is nationally recognized for being a leading source of concussion information and management.
Saturday Morning Injury Clinics
During high school football season, Lubbock Sports Medicine is open on Saturday mornings. A clinic doctor volunteering his time will be in the office. No appointment is necessary, but spaces are reserved strictly for school athletes. There is no office visit charge but there will be a charge for any supplies or x-rays done at the time of the visit. These clinics are held during football season to evaluate injuries sustained on Thursday and Friday nights.
Durable Medical Equipment/Sports Bracing
We have the most advanced equipment to help you be ready for surgery or return to activity safely.
Workshops, Clinics, & Lectures
Our physicians and staff are available to speak at clinics or workshops and sponsor several clinics throughout the year.
After Hours Emergencies
If you have an urgent problem, please call our office FIRST for instructions. Perhaps the problem can be handled without the expense and inconveniences of an emergency room visit, either by phone or in the office. After hours, calls to our office number will be forwarded to us directly or the answering service will be able to locate a member of our group 24 hours a day. If your problem cannot be handled over the telephone, we can alert the emergency room personnel, saving time in ordering hospital services. If, in an emergency, you are unable to reach us, proceed immediately to the nearest emergency room, where you are entitled to request that one of us be called to provide any needed medical care for if so desired.

Patient Registration
Please do not fill out your web registration until you have a confirmed appointment